Monroe County Community
School Corporation.
A temporary power issue turns into a long-term solution
involving a disaster recovery failsafe plan with a backup data
- The Problem
- The Solution
- The Results
Monroe County Community School Corporation (MCCSC), in Bloomington, Indiana, is a district ahead of its time. With 23 elementary, middle and high schools and more than 11,000 students, the administration is committed to keeping its data center up and running 24/7 to serve parents, students and teachers, anytime, anywhere.
When the IT leaders in the district discovered some power issues that could interrupt service, they knew they could have a big problem on their hands. With all the servers running code and housing essential information, an unintentional shutdown could corrupt their data or cause them to lose it altogether.
When the district learned they’d need to shut down their entire infrastructure for two days to upgrade the power supply, they wanted to know what it would take to create a complete backup. Matrix knew right away that this solution could possibly be over MCCSC’s budget, so they consulted with the district about some options that would give them zero downtime.
To cut the cost dramatically, Matrix worked with leaders at the district to determine which parts of their network and what applications were mission-critical, and what could be down for a short time without affecting day-to-day operations. Once these decisions were made, Matrix designed a custom data center solution to keep them online, within their budget.
Today, MCCSC has a working failsafe option that operates at an offsite location. If a critical server goes down – or even needs a little maintenance – that server automatically switches over to the backup and school continues as usual.
MCCSC is ahead of the curve. Most school districts don’t have a disaster recovery option because of cost. However, Matrix and MCCSC were able to come up with a solution that provides peace-of-mind for emergencies and currently saves time and money from having to perform after-hours upgrades.
What our Clients are Saying
Management of our network is much easier now. The streamlining of our infrastructure and the upgrades in security and backups mean that we can focus on supporting our company as it continues to grow.
IT Manager,
Global Automotive Supply Chain Company
It was a pleasure to work with Matrix. They were very knowledgeable about all aspects of the installation, easy to communicate with and able to resolve any questions or issues.”
Jeff Payne
NTN Driveshaft Anderson
Everything was specified as planned and the ordering process was very quick and easy. The Matrix team was very polite and professional and completed the work in 1 day versus 2. Overall I highly recommend Matrix for any networking needs!”
Jesse Harvey
Tri-County Career Center
The Matrix team is always very professional and their technicians are world-class solution providers.”
Virgil Rasche
Hampton Inn Evansville/Airport
Thanks to the Matrix team, the project ran smoothly from beginning to end with no disruption of service and we experienced no problems after the installation.”
John Louden
Lexington Fayette County Health Department
I’m extremely thankful to be in a strategic partnership with Matrix Integration. Their technical expertise, leadership, and attention to detail, along with our industry leading solutions and technologies will ensure that we are offering the best in class solutions to their end users and customers. They are the true definition of a “partner” and care about the entire ecosystem.”
Steven DeMarzio
Trend Micro
The ongoing operation of our network is critical to the people that work in the district, as well as maintaining constant access for parents and students. As more of our educational world becomes dependent on accounts, databases, systems, and 24×7 access, scheduled downtime is no longer an option. Being able to keep everything running, all the time, has saved us countless hours in downtime, and allowed for critical maintenance to take place during production hours with no disruption to our classrooms.”